Thank you from the MS Research Team at UCSF

Our fundraising efforts support the MS Research team at the University of California San Francisco. We received this Thank YOU Video from Stephen Hauser, Jonah Chan and Ari Green earlier this year. 


Stephen Hauser: Hello to Alexandra’s Angels. I’m Steve Hauser speaking to you from beautiful, rainy San Francisco. I am the oldest by far of the group here today and also I think the most optimistic. I’ve seen the strides that we’ve made against multiple sclerosis. They are nothing short of thrilling. The discoveries in MS have become among the most exciting in medicine. We now have therapies that stop the disease in its tracks.

We are at the threshold of being able to repair damage. As we look to 2018 and beyond our opportunities are three and they are all very realistic.

  1. To prevent MS before it even begins. This is possible in our lifetime.
  2. To turn off progressive MS, still the worst part of the disease.
  3. Third, to actually repair, to remyelinate, to re-insulate the damage that MS has caused so that people who have had MS in the past can think and prepare for a future that is far happier than the present today.

Let me turn to my colleague Jonah Chan who along with Ari Green is leading the way in the repair efforts at UCSF.

Jonah Chan: Hi Alexandra. Hi Ron. I know we all wish that we could be there with you all. We are very hopeful. Just as Steve said, we are very hopeful and optimistic about the possibility for repair and remyelinate, trying to restore function to those with MS. We are working very hard in the labs trying to keep pushing the effectiveness of the therapies that we’ve already started to identify and also trying to be more creative and innovative in the clinical trials to demonstrate the repair process that occurs.

I just wanted to share this hope. We’re really excited and we think this is a joint venture for all of us. Thank you so much for what you are doing helping us with our research.

Ari Green: I’m Ari Green. I’m just inspired by you guys and by the support you are providing to us. Just a message of thanks to Ron, to Alexandra and to all the people who are helping them and participating in what is a crucial mission to support us in trying to make repair possible. We’ve been able really with Jonah’s leadership to do the first and most effective screen ever of drugs that helped us pick out a medication and then do a clinical trial here at UCSF that we are just tremendously enthusiastic and excited about.

It’s just the beginning. We’re inspired by you. I’m lucky enough to be standing here inspired by both the guys I’m standing with. Thank you to all of you and we look forward to hopefully being with you at one of the future rides. I’m a cyclist myself so I couldn’t be more excited for what you guys are doing to help us out. Thank you.

Stephen Hauser: Thank you.